1957 – Pastor Henry W. Wright, a few Deacons, and about 35 members made the decision to leave New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church as a group and as a new family in the Body of Christ.
October 5 th , 1957 – The new family now called the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church was officially organized, and the late Reverend Henry W. Wright became senior pastor appointed by a host of Baptist Ministers and Deacons. The Church began services at the North East Community Center, presently named Doctor Martin Luther King Junior
Center. At one of the meetings of the early church, the church was given its name by the late Mother Earlie Mae Brown. While still having church services at the North East Community Center, Deacons Johnny Hill, Willie Hill, Johnny McClain, Leonard Stewart, and William Sherman were the first five men to be ordained as Deacons of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. They all have gone on to be with the Lord and are sadly and greatly missed by all who knew them. Although it was a small congregation of 35 members in the beginning, later the Lord began to build us financially and the overseers were able to purchase a lot on the corner of 23rd Ave and Sheridan Street. Here they were able to build this church building. As the Holy Spirit added persons to our church the membership grew enormously. Later, in our new Sanctuary located on Sheridan Street, the new members continued to grow, and we added new Deacon staff.

1976 – Our Pastor and founder, Reverend Henry W. Wright Sr left us for His home in glory, a home not built by hands. Reverend O. C. Allen joined New Hope Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Pastor Wright in 1970. At the passing of Pastor Wright, Pastor Allen became the Senior Pastor in 1976. He labored with us until December 1984.
1984 to 1986 we were without a Senior Pastor, but the Lord continued to increase the membership.
1986 - The Lord blessed us to receive Reverend D. L. Hickman as the senior pastor of our congregation. Our membership continued to grow under his leadership and many accomplishments were also done.
In the year 1989 – Under the leadership of Reverend Hickman, 12 new Deacons were ordained, and A. J. Williams was ordained as an Assistant Pastor. 1990 - we were happy to receive Reverend A.J. Williams as the official assistant pastor of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church.
In 1994 to 1995 – A.J. Williams serve well as the Senior Pastor. Additional Deacons were ordained, several new ministries were formed and began operating. Under Pastor Williams, the church was able to acquire more land that was used to build a parking lot on the east side of the church, as
well as the purchase of the vacant land on the northeast side of the church. In 1995, Pastor Williams made the decision to relocate.
1996 to 1998 - we were without a Senior Pastor, but the Lord continued to increase the membership under the remaining church leadership.

In 1999 thru April 30, 2021 – The Lord saw fit for New Hope to be blessed with the leadership of senior pastor/teacher Elder Connail Johnson. He was a talented and distinguished recording artist, and a brilliant man of God. Under the leadership of Pastor Johnson, the church moved forward gaining members with the goal of expanding God’s kingdom with stewards and disciples by helping other people excel (HOPE). He was also an entrepreneur at heart and developed numerous for profit and non-profit companies designed for outreach and to meet the needs of the community. In 2020 Elder Johnson was led to create his on-line church and April 30, 2021, he left New Hope and moved officially into his new undertaking.
2021 to July 2, 2022 - We found ourselves without an earthly Sheppard, but we know Jesus is our Lord and Savior, He is our Heavenly and earthly Sheppard.
During the Co-vid pandemic, by the grace of God, and the financial support by a faithful few; we refurbished the main sanctuary, installed technology, and added equipment for the Sanctuary; updated the Church website, created a Social Ministry presence via multiple social media platforms, and updated musical equipment needed to enhance the worship experience in the Sanctuary and on-line.
We implemented CDC guidelines for meeting requirements, revived bible study on zoom, implemented an Acts 2:42 fellowship with activities that was designed for the members to really get to know each other and foster a time to build the New Hope family.
Ministries up and running included Music Ministry, Deacons and Deaconess Ministry, Christian Education Ministry, Ushers Ministry, and the youth ministries with both youth ushers and dancers.
During this period, the church paid off court ordered credit debt, received a loan from The State of Florida’s Payroll Protection Program that covered the salaries of all staff for 2 months and eventually the church qualified to have the state change the loan to a grant that we did not have to pay back to the State; finally the Church Mortgage acquired in 2002, was finally paid off in October, 2021.
There was much work still needed to be done. But we can testify that the Lord has been awesome towards us and continues to bless New Hope Missionary Baptist Church. We know if we continue to Love God, do as He command, serve Him diligently and faithfully, continue to make His Name great in the earth, and trust him with all our hearts, we know that he will continue to be faithful to keep us and bless us. He continued to bless us both spiritually, physically, and abundantly, above all that we could ever ask or think.
JULY 3, 2022 - PRESENT
The Lord revealed to the church that Jacques C. Wright would lead the New Hope flock as the Under-Shepherd. The church was exceedingly grateful that the Lord has given us an under-shepherd that is a man after God's own heart. So the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church's story continues.